Episode 108: Grt Milk? [ft. Zach Cherry]
The crew must close a trade deal with an esteemed dignitary. BARGIE celebrates a birthday. DAR meets a hero. PLECK orders a drink.
+ Episode Transcript
NARRATOR: The period of civil war has ended. The rebels have defeated the evil galactic monarchy and established the harmonious Federated Alliance. Now, Ambassador Pleck Decksetter and his intrepid crew travel the farthest reaches of the galaxy to explore astounding new worlds, discover their heroic destinies, and meet weird bug creatures and stuff. This is Mission to Zyxx.
[Intro music]
PLECK: Hey Dar? Can I ask a question about your past?
DAR: Okay?
PLECK: I just know you had a crazy life before the Federated Alliance, so like, what was your specialty? How would you kill people?
DAR: Oh, man. Um. I really thought this was heading in a different direction when you said specialty, I was game to explain to you what my specialty is-
PLECK: Okay, right, yeah
DAR: But how I would kill people?
PLECK: You were into smuggling, right? So like, you'd get into trouble and like, a ship would be like, we're gonna kill you! And you'd be like, not if I can do anything about it!
C-53: Do you think that's what Dar sounds like?
DAR: Honestly, I'm just gonna say it was like he was there.
PLECK: That's... I dunno.
BARGIE: It's my birthday!
DAR: Woah.
PLECK: What?
BARGIE: It's my birthday everybody so uh.. happy birthday to me!
PLECK: Congratulations! How old are you, Bargie?
BARGIE: Oh you never ask a ship their age!
DAR: You never ask a ship their age.
C-53: That's considered very rude.
BARGIE: Very rude! Everybody gets to go around and say one thing they love about me. It's my birthday! That's the thing you do!
PLECK: Alright, I'll go first. Bargie, I love the smell that your exhaust fumes make when we're leaving a planet.
BARGIE: It's peach cobbler, thank you.
PLECK: Yeah, it's really nice, I like it!
BARGIE: Thank you.
DAR: Bargie I've known you for...
BARGIE: Ugh, no-
DAR: I don't wanna say how long, I don't wanna date either of us. But I would have to say you know, I don't have a lot of friends, but I would count you as a friend.
DAR: Yeah.
BARGIE: Remember the summer we were on that beach island?
DAR: Oh my, the extensions that you had that summer.
PLECK: What do extensions look like for a ship?
C-53: Retrieving image.
DAR: Oh.
PLECK: Oh. Extension cords. That makes sense.
DAR: The beads on the extension cords, that's a nice touch.
C-53: I rate it very attractively.
BARGIE: Thank you.
C-53: Bargie, retrieving that image a moment ago reminded me that my favorite thing about you is that your file trees are extremely orderly, it's very easy to find files within your [unintelligible]
BARGIE: Thank you, I get it tested every month. Make sure my files are clean.
C-53: Spick and span.
BARGIE: It's very important.
PLECK: Sure.
BARGIE: Also always have good jams ready for birthdays! [Music plays]
PLECK: Oh hey.
C-53: Very catchy.
BARGIE: It was actually the soundtrack from one of my movies I had...
PLECK: Oh really this is for your movie?
BARGIE: Cholera In Space.
PLECK: Mmm..
BARGIE: Joanna Chchusins and Goanna Goose...
PLECK: Joana and Goana were like a classic duo.
BARGIE: The best. Rest in peace.
DAR: Rest in peace.
[Beeps and boops of an incoming transmission]
C-53: Ambassador Decksetter I have an incoming transmission from Junior Missions Operations Manager Nermut Bundaloy.
[Transmission begins]
PLECK: Hey, Nermut
DAR: Hi Nermie!
NERMUT: Hello!
PLECK: Hey did you know it's Bargie’s birthday?
BARGIE: It's my birthday!
NERMUT: I did see that in the files, happy birthday!
BARGIE: What's your favorite thing about me?
NERMUT: Oh wow, I think my favorite thing about you is that even though you don't know my name..
BARGIE: Geor..gie
C-53: It's pretty far away.
NERMUT: Even though you don't know my name I feel..
C-53: You're not getting closer either.
BARGIE: Garkun?
NERMUT: I have faith you eventually will bring yourself to memorize it.
PLECK: That's your favorite thing about Bargie?
NERMUT: I- well I just...
C-53: That one day she will know your name?
BARGIE: That's optimistic, I like it thank you.. Gargun...
DAR: Alright well thanks for calling Nermut to wish her a happy birthday...
BARGIE: Alright happy birthday to me, goodbye
PLECK: Seeya later Nermut
C-53: Good speaking to you Junior Missions Operations Manager, Nermut Bundaloy
NERMUT: No, I have a couple things, but first of all I just wanna let you know..
NERMUT: I was talking to Krnash in the shipping department and unfortunately the Warm Bean seems to have been lost in transit so I just wanted to see if you had..
PLECK: You know what..
C-53: We still have the bean.
PLECK: Yeah I think we still have the bean.
C-53: I've got it with me.
PLECK: You're sort of like on the other side of the galaxy we thought "We'll just drop it off next time we're back."
DAR: Yeah.
NERMUT: We need the relic. Please ship that as soon as possible.
PLECK: It's not gonna get any colder, so...
C-53: I can confirm it's temperature has remained constant.
DAR: We've left it in one of the Federated Alliance koozies.
NERMUT: The bean is more than 400 years old, they're not worried that it's gonna get cooler, it's that we need the bean. Okay?
PLECK: Okay sure we'll totally-
NERMUT: You'll ship the bean?
PLECK: Absolutely, we'll totally ship it.
C-53: Absolutely.
DAR: Okay well we'll be sure to do that, we'll talk to you later Nermie, bye.
PLECK: Good to see you.
C-53: Good speaking to you Junior Missions Operations Manager, Nermut Bundaloy.
[Transmission ends]
[Beeps and boops of an incoming transmission]
C-53: Op, receiving another transmission from Junior Missions Operations Manager Nermut Bundaloy
[Transmission begins]
NERMUT: Okay, you know that when I call it's generally to assign a mission.
PLECK: It doesn't have to all be about work, Nermut.
DAR: Yeah, I thought you liked us.
NERMUT: I do! You guys are my favorite people in the world, the only people I talk... You're the.. so.
PLECK: We're the only people you talk to?
NERMUT: No, of course not. I just talked to that guy in shipping.
DAR: Okay but..
C-53: That was another work person
DAR: Outside of work who do you talk to?
NERMUT: Uh let's see I talk to my parents..
PLECK: Sure.
C-53: Alright.
C-53: Good speaking with you Junior Missions Operations Manager Nermut Bundaloy
[Transmission ends]
[Beeps and boops of an incoming transmission]
C-53: Op, Ambassador Decketter I have another incoming call from Junior Missions Operations Manager Nermut Bundaloy.
[Transmission begins]
NERMUT: Your mission! We have a mission!
PLECK: Ohh right.
C-53: Of course.
NERMUT: You have a mission. You know how you go on missions? You wanna go on one of those and do your job?
PLECK: That's rude.
NERMUT: Sorry, you hung up on me. Three times.
PLECK: We were almost positive you were done.
C-53: Nermut, we hung up on you twice.
DAR: And it was when we felt the call had come to completion.
BARGIE: That was the name of one of my movies.
DAR: Oh, now, I have to tell you, I still own a copy of that one.
BARGIE: So good.
NERMUT: [Sighs] Boy.
PLECK: What's our mission Nermut?
NERMUT: Alright, everyone get excited, get pumped up.
PLECK: I'm pumped.
NERMUT: You're pumped?
DAR: We are.
NERMUT: Because this is the real deal mission, guys. This is serious.
PLECK: Yeah.
NERMUT: You ready? We are going to the planet Milsch.
PLECK: Okay?
NERMUT: Heard of it?
DAR: No.
C-53: Yes.
NERMUT: As you know C-53, Milsch is overed in so many caverns.
C-53: The Caverns of Milsch are quite a tourist destination, quite popular in the summer
NERMUT: That's true.
PLECK: The Milschian summer, sure.
NERMUT: The Milschian summer, three Tellurian years long per..
PLECK: Oh. Are we hitting the summer?
PLECK: Are we on season?
C-53: Incredibly we're in the 12 Tellurian year winter.
NERMUT: Yes. So, bundle up. But you are going to be received by the governor of the province that has the capital city, Milschnr.
NERMUT: Yeah, the most important governor on this entire planet is going to be receiving you because they have some sort of resource there they want to trade with the Federated Alliance. Yeah, big time.
PLECK: Great, let's do it.
C-53: Should I hang up now, Junior Missions Operations Manager Nermut Bundaloy? I wouldn't wish to hang up too soon and risk your displeasure
NERMUT: C-53 thanks so much for asking, I think we're good. I wanna try to have a good sign off here, so uh... Just do it.
DAR: Who are you gonna go talk to now?
NERMUT: Uh.. I have a lot of paperwork.
PLECK: Sure.
NERMUT: But I will talk to a lot of people.
BARGIE: I got it, your name is Gorge.
PLECK: Gorge?
BARGIE: Gorge.
PLECK: Pretty far off.
C-53: Hmm.
DAR: Yeah.
NERMUT: Um. Alright.
C-53: I am waiting for your fun sign off
[Nermut sighs]
SEESU GUNDU: Attention! This is rebel leader Seesu Gundu with an interesting announcement! Support for the rebellion against the gnarly Federated Alliance comes from wordpress.com. You know every day millions of people go online to search for local businesses. But does your business show up!? Huh!? Maybe not! With a WordPress.com website you make it easy for customers to find you! Yeah! Your business needs an online home. It needs a wordpress.com website! You know I thought, oh wait, I don't have experience setting up a website! No problem! Their customer support team is made up of wordpress experts and their plans start at.. nuh nuh nuh, okay. Someone's goofin me cause this can't be right. Just four dollars a month! No wonder 20% of all websites run on wordpress. And here's the deal, get started today and get 15% off any new plan purchase. Just go to wordpress.com/zyxx Z-Y-X-X to find a plan that's right for you. That's wordpress.com/zyxx for 15% your brand new website! do it! for the rebellion! Seesu Gundu buh-buh-bye!
PLECK: So, this is.. this landing pad is pretty quiet, right guys?
C-53: I would've expected slightly more fanfare for the calibre of diplomat we're about to meet.
DAR: Right.
DAR: Oh..
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: And welcome to Milschnr.
PLECK: Uh, hello! I'm Ambassador Pleck Decksetter, this is C-53 and Dar. We're here to meet with the Governor.
DAR: You're covered in ice.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Yes, I'm covered in ice. Many greetings, I am the hand of the governor of Milschnr. The weather is very cold here.
PLECK: Sure, yeah.
C-53: We're in year nine of a 12 year winter.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Yes. But as the hand of the governor I regretfully inform you that he has taken his leave from the main palace.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: He will not be attending to you at this time.
PLECK: Okay well we had an appointment with him..
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Oh, you've had an appointment- many have appointments with the government of Milschnr.
C-53: Do they get to meet with the governor of Milschnr?
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: He is abroad within the caverns, there's nothing wrong.
DAR: And he left you behind?
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: I am the hand of the governor of Milschnr, I must attend to my duties. I bid you farewell.
DAR: Okay.
PLECK: Well.
DAR: I get the feeling he locked himself out.
PLECK: You think he just can't get back into the palace?
DAR: Yeah, I mean, why would you stand out here without a coat-
RANDOM MAN: Hey. What's up?
PLECK: Hey uh..
RANDOM MAN: I hear you guys are trying to get in a meeting with the governor of Milschnr?
DAR: Where did you-
PLECK: Yeah.
C-53: Ambassador Decksetter, I advise caution. The insignia on this man's shoulder indicates he is a bounty hunter.
PLECK: Oh. Uh... yeah. No big deal ,we just had an appointment but we'll probably just come back.
BOUNTY HUNTER: Cool, cool. Same same same.
PLECK: Oh you have an appointment?
BOUNTY HUNTER: No but I'm lookin’ to talk with him. Tryin’ to track him down, it's one of the things I'm workin’ on right now.
PLECK: Wait really?
DAR: Yeah yeah yeah tell us about it!
BOUNTY HUNTER: Well I can't get too much into it obviously-
DAR: Well we wouldn't tell your secrets we're-
PLECK: We're just here..
DAR: We're super cool
BOUNTY HUNTER: Well the way you said that makes me think you for sure would tell my secrets, because almost anytime I meet someone and they bring up secrets within the first 5 seconds of talking, they'd for sure rat me out to somebody. That's happened 100% of the time
DAR: It's just that not only you're a bounty hunter, you're... I mean, I recognize that insignia.
PLECK: Oh, Dar you know who this guy is?
DAR: I mean, you're one of the Fab Three.
BOUNTY HUNTER: That's correct, I'm one of the Fab Three.
PLECK: What-
BOUNTY HUNTER: Peterthree, nice to meet you.
DAR: Woah, it's really nice to meet you.
PLECK: Woah.
C-53: The Fab Three is one of the lethal most collection of bounty hunters in the galaxy.
PLECK: Are there-
PETERTHREE: Where did you get that?
C-53: I am a protocol and diplomatic relations droid I'm familiar with many insignia and mercenary consortiums across the galaxy.
PETERTHREE: What's this one?
C-53: Well is that- not also a Fab Three insignia?
PETERTHREE: it is. I just wanted to check you out
DAR: Oh yeah, i remember you guys changed your branding a couple years back
PETERTHREE: Yeah we had a problem with a couple advertisements we put out that kinda you know, targeted the wrong demographic. Lot of kids were hiring us.
PLECK: Oh, that's bad. So is that why you put it on your shirt cause you're like, "Eh if it changes again you'll just get a new shirt.”
PETERTHREE: Yeah, quicker than tattoos.
PLECK: Yeah, yeah. So wait, sorry I don't really know too much about the Fab Three. Are there three of you?
PETERTHREE: Yeah there's my father, my grandfather, and me. We're the Fab Three. Peterone, Petertwo, and Peterthree.
PLECK: Wow, that's great. Are they still around?
PETERTHREE: Are they still around, meaning alive?
PLECK: Yeah.
PLECK: Oh. Are they still around in another sense?
PETERTHREE: Well I mean I carry their memories with me every day, every step of the way.
DAR: That's really beautiful.
PETERTHREE: You gotta give props to where you came from.
PLECK: Yea yea yea.
DAR: Totally.
PLECK: So like you're a bounty hunter, anybody can hire you?
PETERTHREE: Yeah anybody can hire me. I mean I'm workin right now so you know, I'm kinda off the market.
DAR: So you're on a hit right now.
PETERTHREE: I'm hunting, yeah.
PLECK: You know Peterthree, the four of us are all looking for the same guy. I dunno what business you got with the governor, but we were just gonna have a quick meeting with him. You think you could maybe help us find him?
PETERTHREE: Okay, I know where he's gonna be tonight. 3 am. I don't normally get to work with people, I'm normally a lone wolf. But uh that sounds pretty cool
PLECK: That's great.
PETERTHREE: You guys wanna go back to Hotel Milsch?
PLECK: Okay, is that the hotel you're staying at?
PETERTHREE: Yeah, it's kinda my home base for the duration of my stay here.
PLECK: Do you check in with like a pseudonym?
PETERTHREE: I check in with Peterthree.
PLECK: Really you do?
PETERTHREE: Yeah. I mean what are people gonna do? Come up to my room? I'm scary.
C-53: No one is hunting Peterthree, Ambassador Decksetter.
PLECK: Sure.
PETERTHREE: One of the best ways to not be hunted is to hunt, that's what my dad always told me.
C-53: Pardon if this is an inappropriate question, but how did Petertwo meet his demise?
PETERTHREE: Well Petertwo is my grandfather, Peterone is my father.
C-53: Ah, I see.
PETERTHREE: Which you wanna know about?
C-53: I guess I'm looking for information on Peterone. Your father.
PETERTHREE: Oh, okay. Peterone, he died surrounded by friends and family.
C-53: That's very nice.
PLECK: And what about Petertwo?
PETERTHREE: Petertwo? He died at home surrounded by friends and family.
PLECK: That's pretty good.
C-53: Not killed by other bounty hunters.
PETERTHREE: Nah we're pretty good, that's why we're called the Fab Three.
PLECK: Sure, yeah.
DAR: One of the Martia bounty hunters was after me for a little bit.
PETERTHREE: Ah, yeah, they're hacks.
DAR: Oh they're terrible.
PLECK: What happened?
DAR: I'm still here.
PETERTHREE: Didn't get ya, obviously.
PLECK: Did you kill that bounty hunter?
DAR: No they just never got me.
C-53: So they could still be hunting you?
PLECK: They could still be after you.
DAR: I mean good luck.
PETERTHREE: I'll prolly see him at a conference or something, you want me to see if they're still looking for you?
DAR: I mean, they gotta be still lookin for me. There is a very high price on my head.
PLECK: But wait, do you have to finish one job before you take the next job?
PETERTHREE: Depends on the contract, you know, we're freelancers so we can really negotiate anything.
DAR: Sure.
C-53: Some bounty hunters have a writer?
PETERTHREE: Yeah I have one of the most notorious writers out there.
C-53: Really.
C-53: What do you ask for?
PETERTHREE: I ask for a new hat every day.
PLECK: Every day?
C-53: I was gonna say, that hat is very stylish.
PLECK: And new.
DAR: The tags are still on it.
PLECK: So what if you get a hat and it doesn't fit, doesn't look good, do you just wear your regular hat?
PETERTHREE: If I get a hat I don't like I walk away from the job.
PLECK: Woah!
PETERTHREE: That's the end of the mission. I'm very explicit.
C-53: They're highly incentivized to send you good hats.
PETERTHREE: Absolutely.
DAR: I mean look at the hat he's wearing now.
C-53: Excellent hat.
PLECK: So Fab refers not only to how good you are at your job but also how good you look.
PETERTHREE: It's also our last name
PETERTHREE: Peterone Fab, Petertwo Fab, Peterthree Fab.
PLECK: Oh, right.
C-53: Plus Ambassador Decksetter, I don't know if you've noticed this but there's three of them.
PLECK: So is it just a coincidence that your last name is three.
PETERTHREE: Peterthree is my first name.
PLECK: Okay, right, sorry
PETERTHREE: Peterthree is my birthname.
PLECK: Peterthree Fab, right
PETERTHREE: Peterthree Fab.
PLECK: Gotcha.
PETERTHREE: No middle name if you were wondering.
PLECK: Okay, so before you came along, was your- was Peterone and Petertwo called the Fab-
PETERTHREE: They were called the Fab Three. Yeah, just sort of our family name going back generations.
[The crew arrive at Hotel Milsch and enter an elevator]
PLECK: Cool so this is Hotel Milsch.
PLECK: So uh you wanna go..
PETERTHREE: Grab a drink?
PLECK: Sure!
DAR: That would be great.
PETERTHREE: I know the bartender here so..
PLECK: How long have you been on Milsch waiting for this governor?
PETERTHREE: It's my third week here.
DAR: Oh, that's not so bad.
PETERTHREE: I was doing a lot of prep work, you know. Lot of people think being a bounty hunter is cool and action packed but it's a lot of logistics, you gotta..
DAR: Noo..
PETERTHREE: Yeah, it is.
DAR: Really?
PETERTHREE: Yeah, you wouldn't believe.
DAR: Because I would think it would be such a cool job!
PETERTHREE: Well it has its moments, but most of it is really boring. Lot of paperwork, looking for open hotel rooms, you gotta check your best prices cause you don't wanna get price gouged. You know, you gotta exchange your currency when you get to a new locations.. Just a lot of logistical work.
C-53: Peterthree, many of the popular holo entertainments of bounty hunter activities fail to mention this.
PLECK: There's a lot of jumping backwards while shooting, do you ever do that?
PETERTHREE: I have done that, yeah.
C-53: Have you ever thrown an ignitor of some kind and had something behind you as you walked away from it?
PETERTHREE: Yeah I've done that. I've done each of those, but only once.
PLECK: Have you ever been riding a hoverbike and had to take down a guy in a big truck next to you?
PETERTHREE: Yeah I have done that.
PLECK: Okay.
PETERTHREE: I have done that.
C-53: Have you ever fired a laser by turning it to the side before you fired it?
PETERTHREE: I have done that, yeah. I have done that.
DAR: Peterthree? Is the thing that makes you the best bounty hunter that you're just really good at finding hotel prices?
PETERTHREE: I would say that's 80% of it yeah, Cause that saves you a lot of money and that lets you get access to better quality gear.
C-53: Stay on the job longer.
PETERTHREE: Stay on the job longer.
DAR: So you're just really good at budgets..
PETERTHREE: Well not just really good at that.
C-53: Dar that's really insulting to suggest that..
DAR: I just feel like my dreams are being shattered right now.
C-53: Well I bet he's also good at maximizing the impact of a, for example, hotel loyalty program where he might accrue points for staying with a certain hotel.
PETERTHREE: That's right, but that actually sometimes make the jobs difficult because they don't always have the brand that you have the most points at and you're at your target, so you gotta work on speeder rental.. So you gotta factor in all those decisions.
PLECK: Do you wreck a lot of speeders?
PETERTHREE: I've never wrecked a speeder, that ruins your insurance rates.
ELEVATOR: Floor 339
DAR: Oh.
PETERTHREE: Yeah this is where the bars at.
PLECK: It's on the roof?
DAR: Oh.
PETERTHREE: It's pretty cool.
DAR: It's pretty cold.
PLECK: Yeah, geez. It's an outdoor bar.
SAMMO: Hey..
WINK: Well look who it is!
SAMMO: Holy jucking shit!
PLECK: Holy shit!
SAMMO: Wink, do you see them?
WINK: Sammo I do!
PLECK: What's up guys!?
SAMMO: Do you guys want some dust?
PLECK: No, no no no, we're good.
SAMMO: You sure big guy?
PETERTHREE: No I never use dust on a job.
DAR: You've never used dust on the job?
PETERTHREE: Not on a job.
WINK: You should though...
SAMMO: You should dust it up, buddy.
PLECK: Hey Peterthree, these are my friends Sammo and Wink, we met at Slog's Diner like a few weeks ago.
SWINK: Noo.. we're not your friends at all.
PLECK: Yeah well, we did dust together, so.
WINK: We do dust with everybody.
SAMMO: Yeah. So you seriously don't want some dust?
C-53: No, we're fine.
PLECK: Yeah no, we'll just catch up with you guys later so
SAMMO: Alright, bye...
[Pleck sighs]
PETERTHREE: They seem cool, they seem nice.
PLECK: I dunno..
BARTENDER: Hey Peterthree, pull up a chair at this table. What do you guys wanna drink?
PETERTHREE: Drinks are on me, what do you guys want?
PLECK: Aw that's really nice.
PETERTHREE: I'll have some Grt milk.
BARTENDER: Peterthree I've never seen you with people!
PETERTHREE: Yeah I know it's pretty cool, right? These are my friends.
BARTENDER: Cool! What do you guys wanna drink?
C-53: Do you have any power?
C-53: I'll take some of that.
BARTENDER: Great, there's a plug behind you.
C-53: Already got it.
BARTENDER: Okay you, pink? You-
PLECK: Oh uh, what do you have on tap?
BARTENDER: We've got Grt milk.
PLECK: Oh. Hm.
PETERTHREE: Grt milk is good here.
PLECK: Yeah, okay I guess I'll take that.
BARTENDER: Great. You big guy?
DAR: Nothing for me, thanks.
PETERTHREE: Are you sure?
DAR: Oh yeah, sure.
PLECK: Hey Dar, what's wrong?
DAR: I just can't believe how lame Peterthree is!
BARTENDER: We gotta lotta things on tap, you wanna hear the list?
PLECK: No, I wanted to hear what's on tap!
BARTENDER: You took the first option!
PLECK: You took such a long pause after that I thought that was all there was.
BARTENDER: Well you looked so stupid after.
PLECK: No I just thought that was the only option.
BARTENDER: Okay well you already ordered, Pink Guy. So we got Grt Milk, Light Beer, Dark Beer, Heavy Beer, Black Beer, Light Brown Beers... Purple Beers, Orange Beers..
PLECK: Can I have an orange beer?
BARTENDER: Oh you.. got your order!
PLECK: Can I have a grt milk and an orange beer.
BARTENDER: Peterthree... pfff.
PETERTHREE: Oh he's cool, trust me
PETERTHREE: He's a nice guy. We're friends.
BARTENDER: You're lucky you're here with Peterthree.
DAR: I'll take an orange beer.
BARTENDER: Good choice, on the double
PLECK: So Peterthree, I have a question though. Cause like, we're here to see the governor you're here to see the governor, what's he hiding from?
PETERTHREE: Oh, he probably thought I was in town.
PLECK: What does he have to be afraid of from you?
C-53: Peterthree is a bounty hunter, Ambassador Decksetter.
PLECK: Yeah.
DAR: And Peterthree is clearly here to kill the governor.
PLECK: To kill the governor!?
PETERTHREE: Yeah, what did you think I was here to do?
PLECK: I dunno, you seem like such a nice guy.
PETERTHREE: I am a nice guy, but I also for work kill people.
PLECK: Listen, I misinterpreted this whole thing.
C-53: What about this could you misinterpret?
DAR: Pleck, I think anything we've learned today is whatever ideas we had about bounty hunters before we met Peterthree are wrong.
PETERTHREE: What do you mean by that?
DAR: Your job is clerical work.
PETERTHREE: Well yeah it's clerical work plus killing. Killing takes literally one second
DAR: And then you go fill out paperwork.
PETERTHREE: You do that before and after.
DAR: Where's the action, where's the sex!?
PETERTHREE: Well sex is seperate from my job. If you wanna talk about my sex life I'm happy to discuss it.
PLECK: I mean yeah sure, we still got a little time til 3 am, so...
C-53: Ambassador Decksetter, you do realize he's going to kill the governor at 3 am?
C-53: So if we wait til 3 am the governor will be dead.
PLECK: I guess so.
C-53: We will be unable to speak to him.
PETERTHREE: But you guys can talk to him. How long do you need, 5 minutes?
DAR: No, come on!
PETERTHREE: What, ten minutes?
DAR: No, you're supposed to kill him! He's a bounty hunter!
C-53: Well he's also our friend.
PETERTHREE: Thank you.
C-53: You're welcome.
PLECK: So wait, you're my friend?
PETERTHREE: Yeah, I would say so.
PLECK: Oh man, yes!
PETERTHREE: You know if I kinda run through the list, you guys are definitely top 5.
DAR: We're the top 5?!
PLECK: We are in your top 5 friends?
PETERTHREE: All three of you are for sure top 5.
DAR: So the three of us, the bartender, whose the fifth person?
PETERTHREE: One of those people that..
PLECK: Sammo and...
WINK: Which one?
WINK: Aw..
PLECK: Sorry, Sammo.
SAMMO: That's alright, that's okay, I'm so dusted up right now.
PETERTHREE: I just wanna say I'm so psyched to be surrounded by my top 5 friends on a night like this.
C-53: All five of your best friends in one place!
BARTENDER: Peterthree here's your grt milk, then we got orange beer, and I'm sorry buddy, that was the last grt milk. That was the last grt milk, so..
PLECK: Okay, that's cool. I kinda didn't want the grt milk anyway.
BARTENDER: Alright, cool. Let me know if you need anything else.
PLECK: But I also ordered an orange beer.
BARTENDER: No you didn't.
PLECK: Okay.
BARTENDER: I- you ordered a Grt Milk.
PLECK: C-53 can you play back when I ordered an orange beer?
C-53: I can replay you ordering a grt milk...
PLECK: Nah I don't need to hear that.
C-53: Here it is.
[Plays back the discussion, but only when Pleck orders Grt Milk]
PLECK: Okay.
BARTENDER: So obviously you ordered something we don't have so... Um, I'm gonna go back up to the bar.
C-53: Okay.
PLECK: He's great.
C-53: He seems an interesting guy.
DAR: I like his face tattoo..
PLECK: Listen Peterthree I'm starting to feel a bit nervous about this job you've got. What would it take to convince you not to kill the governor?
PETERTHREE: Uh. Well that would require a sort of entire lifestyle change for me.
PLECK: So there's no going back.
C-53: Bounty hunter takes a job, that is a life oath.
PETERTHREE: So I'd have to abandon my entire code in order to do that.
PLECK: YOu've never backed down on a job?
PETERTHREE: Never backed down on a job. I've completed all three jobs that I've ever taken.
DAR: Three jobs!?
PETERTHREE: Well like I said there's a lot of paperwork that goes into it so I usually average about..
DAR: You've been a bounty hunter for 37 years!
PETERTHREE: I average about 12 years per job.
DAR: And you're the best bounty hunter.
PETERTHREE: In terms of accuracy not in terms of volume.
DAR: Are you at least going to kill him in a cool way?
PETERTHREE: What I'll do is I'll offer him choices. I'll say would you rather die by-
DAR: You offer him choices!? You actually let him tick a box?
PETERTHREE: That's right, there's paperwork every step of the way. So he can choose from any number of death options.
PLECK: Let's hear the full list.
PETERTHREE: So punching
PETERTHREE: gunshots
PLECK: Mmhmm.
C-53: Death by Grt Milk?
PETERTHREE: Yes, death by Grt Milk. I actually-
DAR: Is that one open to interpretation?
PETERTHREE: I've never actually done it before, but my understanding from the handbook is that you get them to drink-
DAR: The handbook!?
PETERTHREE: Yes. You're required to complete three different levels of bounty hunter's handbook before you're allowed to go out on the job. Bounty hunters, the only way you can keep it legal and not have it just be a complete mess is to follow proper procedure.
PLECK:Wait it's legal!?
PETERTHREE: Completely legal.
PLECK: What are you talking-
C-53: What are you talking about Ambassador Decksetter? A bounty was placed on the governor of Milsch. Peterthree accepted it and he is waiting to kill the governor. Why is there something amiss in this situation? All the proper paperwork has been filed
PETERTHREE: You know my job is not really so different than our bartender friend here, we actually bonded over that early.
BARTENDER: Three handbooks.
PLECK: If you're just gonna be standing there can I get an orange beer please?
BARTENDER: What are you talking about?
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Excuse me... Excuse me.
PLECK: Oh hey it's the hand of the governor
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Hello, I couldn't help but overhear that you're looking for the governor...
C-53: Yes, we told you that earlier today.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: No but I.. I'm winking, and I hear that you're looking for the governor.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: If the governor had an accident, then the hand of the governor would become the governor.
BARTENDER: Governor Hand, here's your grt milk
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Thank you [slurp]
PLECK: Wait, you said you were out of grt milk?
BARTENDER: He ordered before you! He placed his order in advance, he called me.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: But I didn't order this orange beer.
BARTENDER: I forgot, I'll pour it-
BARTENDER: Yeah I'll dump it out, pour it out. In the garbage.
PLECK: Dar can I have some of your beer?
DAR: I already drank it.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: But all I 'm saying to everyone-
PLECK: No we get it
C-53: Ambassador Decksetter this might be a fix for all of our problems. Peterthree can go ahead and assassinate the governor of Milschnr.
DAR: Can he? Do you... public notary?
C-53: You mean a notary public?
DAR: Whatever.
PETERTHREE: Yeah, that'll happen after..
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: I happen to be a notary public.
C-53: Well upon the assassination the governor, the hand becomes the governor, and we can speak with him!
C-53: We don't even have to move!
PLECK: Man, it feels weird to know someone's gonna be murdered and there's nothing I can do about it. If any of us here had a hit out on them, I'd wanna do what I could to save them.
PETERTHREE: Does it matter that the governor is not a cool dude?
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: He's not cool.
PLECK: I mean... a little? But like, not that much. Because ultimately who deserves to be murdered.
PETERTHREE: Anyone who I'm paid to murder.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Anyone I pay to murder.
PETERTHREE: There's no need to be shy.
PLECK: It's legal apparently.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Yes, I'm the one who... I have employed the Fab Three. They came highly recommended ..
PLECK: Yeah.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: I was at a cocktail party and a friend of mine said, "Wouldn't you like to kill the governor?" and then I said, "Ohh.." and then he said, "Well I know of the.." he was a friend recommended to me, when I made the order you asked, how did you hear about us?
PETERTHREE: Because we have some targeted ads we've been trying to get a gauge...
C-53: Word of mouth is a very good way to expand your missives
PETERTHREE: We're trying to you know, expand into new avenues. Print media
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Print is the future!
PLECK: I don't know if that's..
C-53: No that's what everyone says! Print is the future!
PETERTHREE: So it's 2:49. I could either go kill him and you guys could wait here, we could meet up maybe after... or you could come with, talk to him? Doesn't really matter to me
PLECK: Ugh, this makes me feel weird
C-53: Ambassador Decksetter, unless we're to involve ourselves trying to stop a legally sanctioned bounty hunt the governor's going to die.
DAR: I dunno a paper jam might stop you.
PETERTHREE: Well no I have a back up printer. You always bring a back up printer and also bring all your paperwork in triplicate, so that's not an issue.
PLECK: Yeah, I guess I don't wanna interfere in a legal proceeding...
BARTENDER: Drinks for the road? Drinks.
PETERTHREE: Uh. You got a Grt milk?
BARTENDER: Oh we just got one more.
PETERTHREE: Then yeah I'll have some more grt milk.
BARTENDER: Great, grt milk...
C-53: You're gonna get a go-grt?
BARTENDER: Pinky what you want?
PLECK: I'll take an orange beer.
BARTENDER: Okay, orange beer. Big guy what you want?
DAR: Orange beer.
BARTENDER: Otange beer, alright. Go back to the bar... Cause I got the order...
PLECK: Thanks.
C-53: Yes we know why you're going back to the bar.
PLECK: [Sighs] You know? I think we should go with you. Let's follow you into the caverns.
DAR: Yeah.
BARTENDER: Alright here's three Grt milk for the road, put it in a superfoam cup. And an orange beer for you big guy, and orange beer for you.
PLECK: Thank you!
PLECK: Huh. Went off without a hitch.
BARTENDER: Why, what do you mean?
PLECK: It just seemed like I was never gonna get a drink.
BARTENDER: What are you talkin’ about?
PLECK: Cause I didn't get my grt milk or my orange beer last time.
[Bartender tosses Pleck’s beer in his face]
PLECK: You just threw my beer in my face!
DAR: You insulted him!
BARTENDER: You're complaining? That was my last orange beer!
PETERTHREE: You're kinda accusing him of singling you out
BARTENDER: You didn't get what you ordered once and you acted like that just defines my bar. Shame on you. You're banned.
PLECK: Banned from this bar? In the Milsch hotel?
BARTENDER: Banned. Yep.
PETERTHREE: I was thinking maybe we could come back here after...
BARTENDER: Okay. You're friends with Peterthree, you can come back once. Cause you're so obsessed with me, you think after one time... you can come back once. Going back to the bar.
C-53: I don't know why he says that every time
BARTENDER: I'm going back because someone might order from the bar.
C-53: We know!
DAR: You're a bartender!
[Sammo and Wink barf]
BARTENDER: Well that two headed monster is barfin.
WINK: Anyone want dust?
SAMMO: Hey you guys want some more dust?
PLECK: We're good.
C-53: We're gonna go see someone get assassinated.
SAMMO: Oh cool.
PETERTHREE: Do you guys wanna come?
SAMMO: Yeah man I wanna see the assassination!
PLECK: No please don't.
SAMMO: Yeah we'll come!
PLECK: Don't I don't want you to come...
PETERTHREE: It'll be fun, I got a family size speeder so...
PLECK: Listen C-53 maybe we should just head back to the ship...
C-53: And not meet with either governor?
PLECK: I just feel like we got in the middle of a weird situation.
C-53: Ambassador Decksetter use your head, talk to one of the governors.
PLECK: See but I don't wanna get mixed up in this! We're either gonna talk to a governor who just killed one governor, or we're gonna talk to one governor who is then immediately killed.
C-53: Ambassador Decksetter do you not have the stomach for diplomatic work?
PLECK: Is that what this is?
C-53: Yes! We're meeting with the legal governor! Who legally paid Peterthree to assassinate the existing governor!
PLECK: Alright.
C-53: It's all above board.
PETERTHREE: Totally legal.
PLECK: Hello again.
DAR: Are you getting on?
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: I'm getting on.. eeehhh... I just wanted to show you that the Federated Alliance.. All hail the Federated Alliance...
Everyone: All Hail the Federated Alliance...
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Rest assured that Milsch will still trade with them with our valuable resource, ice..
C-53: Is that what the Federated Alliance hoped to gain from Milsch?
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Frozen water, yes...
PETERTHREE: It's their only export.
C-53: That makes a lot of sense.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Yeah... it is the ice... Although to be taken off the planet might melt the ice, but...
C-53: We can keep the ice cold.
PLECK: Yeah we have a refrigerator.
DAR: Oh yeah, in fact we have something for you, speaking of...
PLECK: Oh yeah.
C-53: Oh, speaking of keeping things cool...
DAR: Here is a Federated Alliance koozy.
C-53: Good for orange beer.
DAR: Grt milk.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Very good, it's just the one koozy...
DAR: Yes.
PLECK: Well, it's more of a token, we'd also be paying you for the ice I guess.
[The crew pull up in their speeder to see a woman outside screaming]
WOMAN: The governor is dead! The governor is dead!
DAR: Wow, his horrific wife...
PETERTHREE: Ma'am? I just need you to fill out this form first...
WOMAN: Okay....
PETERTHREE: How would you like his body to be handled?
WOMAN: Just like... put it in ice?
PETERTHREE: That's the first option in the whole list if you want..
[Woman wails]
PETERTHREE: And your initials right here...
C-53: Ambassador Decksetter we can probably...
WOMAN: The governor is dead!
PLECK: I'm sorry for your loss.. Hey, Peterthree, before we go?
PLECK: How did you do.. you were on the elevator with us, how did you do that?
PETERTHREE: I have my ways...
PLECK: That's the thing you're gonna be mysterious about?
C-53: That is very mysterious..
PLECK: Oh man
WOMAN: He died of old age surrounded by his friends and loved ones!
DAR: What!? He died of old age?
PETERTHREE: Yeah it's one of the options on the list.
PLECK: That's one of your options!?
PETERTHREE: Yeah. That's the last one on the list, most people choose that. I met with him last night and he filled out his half of the paperwork.
PLECK: I mean I guess I feel a little bit less weird, because that would have happened anyway...
C-53: Why would this be any less weird? Peterthree killed this man!
PETERTHREE: According to the law I did kill him.
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: Yes, the law says that I did kill him and therefore I would also have to marry the governor's wife...
WOMAN: Which is fine because we've been in love this entire time!
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: It's definitely a major factor in the killing!
WOMAN: I'm so happy!
HAND OF THE GOVERNOR: I'm crazy about you!
WOMAN: Thank you!
C-53: Ambassador Decksetter..
PLECK: We should go
C-53: We should go
PLECK: We should go
WOMAN: Stay!
WOMAN: We're making dinner later!
PLECK: We're good.
C-53: I think we're fine.
WOMAN: Okay...
PETERTHREE: I'd be happy to swing by. What are you making?
WOMAN: Soup!
PETERTHREE: Oh, nevermind.
ROLPHUS TIDDLE: Attention rebels, this is your favorite leader Rolphus Tiddle to tell you the support for the rebellion against the stupid ass Federated Alliance comes from MeUndies. Our rebel pilots who happen to be fellas are raving about MeUndies diamond seem pouch. It cradles your jewels and gives just the right amount of support without feeling too tight. They're the ultimate feel good undies when you want to feel naked but not be naked. We found that fighting against the Alliance while naked is not the best idea, just you know like, logistically. But get this, MeUndies comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee! 1005! If you don't like your first pair you get a full refund. And if you order now you get 25% off your first pair plus free shipping! Are you kidding me with this deal!? Go to MeUndies.com/zyxx. Z-Y-X-X for that special offer. That's MeUndies.com/zyxx. Rolphus Tiddle in an oh-so-comfy jewel pouch signing off...
PLECK: Hey, Nermut
NERMUT: Hey so I didn't have a chance to read any logs so how did it go on Milsch?
PLECK: Great.
C-53: The ice trade is secure.
NERMUT: Amazing, so did you happen to figure out what the resource is? Because they would only communicate to us in code and say the resource was quote 'ice'. So what did it turn out it was?
DAR: Ice.
C-53: Oh.
C-53: Ice.
PLECK: Oh no yeah it's frozen water, they said explicitly it's frozen water.
NERMUT: Wha- well I know that's what ice is, but what's their precious resource they wanted to meet with the Federated Alliance to trade?
PLECK: No it's definitely..
DAR: Ice.
C-53: What did you think it was going to be?
NERMUT: Diamonds or.. precious jewels.
PLECK: No it's ice.
NERMUT: Why would they- that's worthless, that's a mini planet that's floating around in space. Why would they try to trade that?
DAR: I don't know you sent us there.
PLECK: That's a good question.. Yeah, you sent us there.
C-53: It was not part of our mission to assess the ice.
NERMUT: So you told the governor sorry, but we're not interested and good luck or?
PLECK: Nermut the governor of Milschnr is dead.
PLECK: Yeah the hand of the governor, he replaced the governor after the governor was assassinated...
C-53: And also had the governor assassinated!
DAR: Around family and people who loved him.
NERMUT: This happened while you were there!?
PLECK: Yeah.
BARGIE: Guys I detected ice on board! So I made some drinks!
PLECK: Ayyy!
BARGIE: Happy birthday to me! It's my birthday!
C-RED-IT5: C-RED-IT5 credits and attributions droid, commencing outro protocol.
Ambassador Pleck Decksetter was played by Alden Ford
C-53 was played by Jeremy Bent
Security Officer Dar was played by Allie Kokesh
Junior Missions Operations Manager Nermut Bundaloy and the Bartender were played by Seth Lind
Bargie the Ship and Wink and The Horrific Wife were all played by Moujan Zolfaghari
The Hand of the Governor and Sammo were both played by Winston Noel
Peterthree Fab the Bounty Hunter was played by special guest Zach Cherry. Zach has appeared in fun things like Search Party, and Crashing, and Spiderman: Homecoming. And you can see him at the UCB Theater with GOAT.
Mission to Zyxx is recorded at Braund Studios in Greenwood, Brooklyn by engineer Shane O’Connell
This episode edited by Seth Lind with sound design and mix by Shane O’Connell
Music by Brendan Ryan
Opening crawl narration by Jeremy Crutchley
Ship design for the Bargarean Jade by Eric Geusz
Mission to Zyxx is brought to this galaxy by AudioBoom. Thanks, AudioBoom!
Have you noticed a critical error in our canon? Send an email to crew@missiontozyxx.space